Taxi Piráti Bardejov

by RAD Solutions sro

Maps & Navigation


After many taxi drivers had made an agreement among themselves in 1999, a permission license for the biggest taxi service in Bardejov was accepted and got the official name "The Taxi Pirates". The main parking point was set right next to the "Republika hotel". The change of phone numbers from the casual one to shorten forms was made in 2001 and it has been in use till nowadays. But anyway, the greatest change came in 2005 when the company decided to sell the vehicles directly to its drivers. They started working on their own, found some more employees and have been developing their business. In 2013, the another step forward came for our company. We became the unity of concession owners. The amount of vehicles was increased and has been led in modernisation according to customers requirements. Since 2014 we have been using GPS system controlling all our vehicles non stop for 24 hours a day.You can find us at Kacvinská 2849 Bardejov. Four officers (transport supervisors) work there. Our service is available 24 hours a day. There are more cars belonging under one telephone number. We have 15 normal ordinary cars, one micro bus with 8 places for passengers and of course, we are still increasing our possession and service. Our phone numbers are: Central control room (dispatching): 054/16 666, mobile phone numbers: 0918/699 999, 0903/699 999 .